Annalee Howell-Williamson has been one of South Africa s leading educators and trainers over a stimulating career spanning more than 28 years.
She has been involved in consultancy and the running of numerous National workshops, to advise and assist Colleges, Private Institutions and Industry Practitioners to implement SAQA accredited qualifications. Experience gained from being a member of the SGB and Convener for the writing of the National Curriculum Statement for the Minister of Education has been a benchmark for ensuring up to date information and training.
The contributions she has made to this ever demanding and rapidly changing sector have been profound. Central to her success has been the fact that she has at all times remained relevant and extremely loyal to her industry, colleagues and students.
Annalee has correctly and in a visionary way determined the need for a number of definitive works in the development of educational resources to support the newly developed education and training qualifications for this industry.
These qualifications, when properly applied, will ensure that students and practitioners alike will be able to pursue meaningful careers in their respective sector.
The company received accreditation from the ETDP SETA in July 2002. Our accreditation has been extended until 2023. Training/consulting is offered in all 9 Provinces by qualified and professional facilitators.